EA Artificial Evolution 2024

Paper submission

Researchers are invited to submit their work in the field of artificial evolution. Each paper submitted to EA-2024 will be rigorously reviewed by the members from the program committee. Papers must be submitted as PDF files. The authors' names shall not be blinded for the reviewing process. All accepted papers will be published in the conference pre-proceedings, available during the conference. Post-proceedings will be published in a volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series of Springer, subject that the papers fulfill the conventional requirements as detailed below.

When submitting a paper to EA-2024, authors shall select one of the following three types of submission:

  • Long-size paper: original unpublished work in the classical format (not exceed 14 pages, in Springer LNCS style). Any submission accepted as a long-size paper will be presented as an oral presentation during the conference (20 min talk + 10 min for questions).
  • Medium-size paper: original unpublished work in a shorter format (6-8 pages, in Springer LNCS style). Any submission accepted as a medium-size paper will be presented as a poster presentation during the conference (+ 2 min for oral presentation).
  • Oral presentation only: typically a paper that has already been published elsewhere which might be relevant in the scope of the conference (no restriction, any format). Any submission accepted as an oral-only paper will be presented as an oral presentation during the conference. Notice that an oral-only submission will appear in the conference pre-proceedings, but will NOT appear in the Springer LNCS post-proceedings.

Beware that authors should agree with the following requirements at the time of submission:

  • Depending on the decision from the program committee, a long-size submission can be accepted as a poster presentation.
  • Any accepted paper (long-size, medium-size or oral-only) will appear in the conference pre-proceedings available during the conference.
  • For a long-size or a medium-size paper to appear in the Springer LNCS post-proceedings, authors are committed to:
    • make sure that at least one author attends to the conference in order to present the accepted paper (as on oral or as a poster presentation);
    • carefully address all the comments explicitly raised by the program committee during the reviewing process when preparing the final version of their paper (this includes, for instance, rearranging a long-size submission which has been accepted as a medium-size paper).

Submission link:


Springer LNCS style template - LNCS.cls
