
Tuesday 29th
- 09.00-10.00 - Registration, Welcome and coffee
- 10.00-12.15 – Session #1
- 10.00-10.45 – GRASP-based memetic algorithm for Multi-period technician routing problem with mandatory assigned tasks and selective tasks, Loïc Cardinaël, Ammar Oulamara, Wahiba RAMDANE CHERIF-KHETTAF.
- 10.45-11.30 - Investigation of Structures for Routing Rules Designed by Genetic Programming for the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem, Đurasević Marko, Nikolina Frid, Francisco Javier Gil Gala.
- 11.30-12.15 – Optimizing Scheduling for Energy Sales in Public Stations: A Revenue Management Perspective, Abdennour Azerine, Mahmoud Golabi, Ammar Oulamara, Lhassane Idoumghar.
- 12.15-14.15 – Lunch / Bistro Regent, Talence Forum
- 14.15-15.45 – Session #2
- 14.15-15.00 – Can ants travel better in bike-friendly cities? Felix Repusseau, Emmanuel Néron, Tifenn Rault, Nicolas Monmarché.
- 15.00-15.45 – Paving the way towards evolutionary machine teaching: an application to 4-part harmony, Elia Pacioni, Francisco Fernández de Vega.
- 15.45-16.00 – Coffee Break
- 16.00-18.15 – Session #3
- 16.00-16.45 – Scalable Local Optima Networks for Continuous Search Spaces, Jonathan Fieldsend.
- 16.45-17.30 – Comparing Quantum Annealer and Metaheuristic Methods to Solve the Steiner Tree Problem, Darren Chitty, James Charles, Alberto Moraglio, Ed Keedwell.
- 17.30-18.15 – Classification vs Regression Models in a Decision Tree-based Interactive Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm, Mahmoud Golabi, Seyed Mahdi Shavarani, Lhassane Idoumghar.
Wednesday 30th
- 09.00-10.30 – Session #4
- 09.00-09.45 – Tackling Long-Range Dependencies in Dynamic Range Compression Modeling via Deep Learning, Yann Bourdin, Pierrick Legrand, Fanny Roche.
- 09.45-10.30 – Optimizing Reservoir Computing with Genetic Algorithm for High-Dimensional SARS-CoV-2 Hospitalization Forecasting: Impacts of Genetic Algorithm Hyperparameters on Feature Selection and Reservoir Computing Hyperparameter Tuning, Thomas Ferté, Dan Dutartre, Boris Hejblum, Romain Griffier, Vianney Jouhet, Rodolphe Thiébaut, Xavier Hinaut, Pierrick Legrand.
- 10.30-10.45 – Coffee Break
- 10.45-11.15 – Poster Session
- 11.15-12.15 – Plenary Talk #1 – Pierre del Moral
- 12.15-13.30 – Buffet Lunch (Inria)
- 13.30-00.00 – Social event, Saint-Emilion
- bus (13.30): Inria (13.45) -> Saint Emilion (Parking Villemaurine) (14.45)
- Free time: 14.45->15.30 (meeting in font of the cathedral)
- cathedral + city: 15.45 -> 17.45
- Cordeliers, visit: 18.00 -> 19.00
- Cordeliers, buffet: 19.00 -> 21.30
- bus (21.45): Saint Emilion (21.45) -> inria (22.45)
Thursday 31
- 09.00-10.30 – Session #5
- 09.00-09.45 – Can Mutations Replace Local Search? Studying the Effect of Repeated Genetic Programming Operators in the Unrelated Machines Environment, Josip Hrvatić, Marko Đurasević, Francisco Javier Gil Gala, Domagoj Jakobović.
- 09.45-10.30 – Optimizing the Viability of interacting systems with Evolutionary Algorithms, Alice De Lapparent, Alberto Tonda, Rodolphe Sabatier, Evelyne Lutton, Isabelle Alvarez, Sophie MARTIN.
- 10.30-10.45 – Coffee Break
- 10.45-11.15 – Poster Session
- 11.15-12.15 – Plenary Talk #2 – Leonardo Trujillo. Youtube
- 12.15-14.15 – Lunch (Pizzeria ALCALA, Talence Forum. TBC)
- 14.15-15.45 – Session #6
- 14.15-15.00 – Single-objective constrained optimization for Gene Regulatory Networks Modeling, Guillaume Grataloup, Denis Pallez, Jean-Paul Comet, Gilles Bernot.
- 15.00-15.45 – Symbolic Regression of Confidence Intervals for Conformal Prediction, Alberto Tonda, Alejandro Lopez-Rincon, David Rojas-Velazquez, Evelyne Lutton.
- 15.45-16.00 – Coffee Break
- 16.00-18.15 – Session #7
- 16.00-16.45 – A New Step Size Update Strategy for CMA-ES in Multi-objective Optimisation, Zheng Tan, Bo Yuan, H.A.O. Wang, Miqing Li.
- 16.45-17.30 – UMDA with random affine maps, Arnaud Berny.
- 17.30-18.15 – Closing Session